What it Feels Like to Get Health Insurance

Monday, February 17, 2014

Resuming the Tale

After a (very!) long hiatus, I am back to finish this tale.

You may find it difficult to believe, but I was locked out of my account for several months. A few days ago, I finally remembered my password, and here we are again!

If you are new to this story, I'd suggest that you read it from the beginning, because one part builds on the other, and some things going forward won't make sense unless you do.

And to all of you who have been gracious enough to check this blog for updates (especially my regular mystery reader in Russia!), thank you for your interest and encouragement. I am able to see via a statistical program how many of you are checking and where you are in the world. It's been very rewarding to know that this blog is now read globally.

It has been two full years since the events of this blog occurred, and I will have to do my best to remember it all. But let me just say before we proceed that I have been through hell and back. Although Obamacare has successfully passed and has been implemented, I hope a day never comes where it is taken away. Without it, there would continue to be situations where people like me have to go to places like Cracker Barrel in a quest for affordable health insurance. I realized that by not finishing this story, I contribute to mis-information with my silence. My hope is that by finishing it, I will be one voice that persists to insist that affordable health insurance for all Americans is necessary and moral. I may be one person, but in our country, sometimes that's all it takes to keep a fire alight.

Keep checking back .... I will be writing the next entry today and will try to keep up with the blog daily until we've wrapped up the story.

Thank you again.

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